2017: Year in Review

2017…  better than 2016? We’d definitely say so. Just as YouTube have released their most viewed videos of the year, we’ve collected our favourite videos of last year in our 2017: Year in Review.

Google: Year in Search 2017

Let’s begin with Google’s ‘Year in Search 2017’. It’s become an annual occasion here to reflect on everything seen this year across the world, and, as always, Google have nailed all the emotions in the space of 120 seconds. Bring on 2018!

Views: 17M

Bad Lip Reading: Inauguration Day

If you’ve not checked out Bad Lip Reading before, you’re missing out for sure. The guys that dubbed the Star Wars series and NFL, took over President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony, resulting in a ‘not too shabby’ number 7 top trending video on YouTube for the whole of 2017.

Views: 36.5M

Samsung: Growing Up

Not sure if anyone noticed, but Apple launched the iPhone X this year. How did Samsung knock them back a notch? By taking a look back through the history of iPhone, and revisiting all those times Samsung did it first, or did it better. From lack of storage space, to a surplus in notches they’ve jabbed at the weaknesses in Apples armour. And it all got the better when Motorola jumped in to the feud.

Views: 25M

Apple: Dominate the Day

“Hey Siri, what was Apple’s most viewed video of 2017?” Clue: It wasn’t this… It may be Apple’s third highest grossing video in viewing terms on their channel, falling victim to all the videos surrounding the iPhone X launch hype, but it’s definitely still a winner. Swap the mono-tones of Jony Ive for Dwayne Johnson, with a schedule to rival that of any girlfriend, and anyone can relate to this one.

Views: 18M

Iceland: Tis The Reason

What round up this time of year is complete with that age old battle for Christmas number one. If you don’t quite have the marketing spend of the big boys like Tesco or Sainsbury’s, then let Iceland give you a lesson in how to cut-through with their 5 shorts. Taking cues from the guys at Bad lip Reading, Iceland have put together something different this Christmas from the usual tugging at the heart strings.

Views: 200K (Combined 5)

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